Investing In Your Home: Which Updates Return Best?
You’ve lived in your home a little while and you think you sort of understand how it should flow. You’re starting to see the little bits of rough that people tend to gloss over when the neighbors pop by to borrow the lawnmower. It’s not that these things make your home flawed — all homes are flawed, they’re made from flawed materials, after all — it’s just that your home could be better and like a skilled craftsman, you’re starting to see places where you could bring out greater potential. But, which projects make the most sense to do first? Will any of them actually pay for themselves in gained home equity, or are these changes things you’ll have to consider sunk costs in your home and investments strictly in your own enjoyment? And furthermore, are there even changes you can make yourself that will be worth the bother? Say Hello to Renovation Magazine’s Cost Vs. Value Report For the past 31 years, Renovation Magazine has been trying to answer these and other question...